By Brian Gish | June 30, 2019
The Lost Library is Lost Signal’s personal code repository used to streamline our Unity development. It has evolved a lot over the years and is now roughly fifteen thousand lines of code.
You can find the Lost Library on github under the MIT license
The Lost Library covers a lot of different area’s. Some area’s I’ve shipped games with and some area’s are still in their proof of concept phase. Since this is an ever evolving project that has minimal documentation it is not my goal to sell this code. I mearly want to share it in the hopes that it may help others. I’m continuing to break down area’s of code into smaller and smaller chucks so people may use just the parts they like and ignore the rest. I also plan on doing blog posts and youtube videos describing some of the cool features of the Lost Library that I find critical for every project. Here is the breakdown of all the different sections the Lost Library has as of this blog post:
Lost.Addressables | Lost.Events | Lost.Pooling |
Lost.Ads | Lost.Experimental | Lost.Singleton |
Lost.Analytics | Lost.Extensions | Lost.Spline |
Lost.AppConfig | Lost.IAP | Lost.Storage |
Lost.Behaviours | Lost.Input | Lost.UI |
Lost.Collections | Lost.InteractivePlants | Lost.UnityTasks |
Lost.Core | Lost.Localization | Lost.Utilities |
Lost.Dictionary | Lost.Logging | Lost.WeakReference |
Lost.EditorGrid | Lost.Networking | Lost.XR |
Lost.EditorTools | Lost.PlayFab |
The goal is to have every one of these folders contain it’s own file and have it list off all it’s dependencies. So if you’d like to learn more about each of these you should check depot for more information.
Eventually all of these folders will be able to be turned off/on using defines. I’ll also make sure that the Lost Library will work with the Package Manager system and it will utilizie assembly definition files as well.
If you end up using Lost Library and liking it, please let me know! Also, if I saved you a lot of time and you’d like to thank me we do accept donations here or on the github page.
Even though I’m not selling my code, I am open to contracting opprotunities. If you’d like help integrating the Lost Library into your project, need a bug fixed, or help adding new features I am available. If you’d like to contract Lost SIgnal then please contact us at
Note: I love to live on the Bleeding Edge. The Lost Library currently only runs on 2018.3, and I can’t garunteee that API’s wont change dramatically. If you’d like to use the Lost Library, definitely fork it on GitHub. I’ll do my best to create new branches in the future that denote what Unity version the Lost Library is compaatible with instead of just using master.